Maltese are a small breed of dog and a put in the “Toy Group”.
Basically that means you would not buy a Maltese to guard your house. The are called Maltese as it is generally regarded that they originated from the Island of Malta.
They are playful and friendly and are well know for their intelligence and affectionate nature.
We are happy to say that at Pet Adoption and Sales we have thousands of different pets available. We get many different animals listed every hour – including different Maltese Terriers. One important option we would love to highlight is the benefits of rescuing and older dog – they really need our help and make fantastic additions to our families.
If you have a search through our site we know you will be pleased with the search results and will find many Maltese Pups and Adult dogs.
If you are still having trouble finding that perfect Maltese that really belongs in your home we can still help and let you know when ever any new Maltese are added to our site – we are about to put in place the option to get an instant message sent to your number as any Maltese is listed.
Also if you are after some help with pet transport we have connected with Australia’s oldest and best pet transport company It’s is now very simple and cost effective to get your Maltese delivered straight to your front door from anywhere around Australia – get a quote.