Bonded sister and brother - must go together.
Angie (female) is a medium hair tortoiseshell cat. She loves being combed, loves to lie on your chest or tummy and "make biscuits" ie knead on you.
Ernie (male) is a white shorthair cat. An interesting fact about him is that he is deaf! This is the main reason he needs his sister as she always looks out for him. Ernie is a smoochy boy who also likes to "make biscuits" and loves a head massage. Due to his deafness, he can loudly yowl on occasion.
Currently, Angie is allowed outside but she only chooses to go out about once a week or so. Angie likes to catch lizards. Due to Ernies deafness, he is safest inside or enclosed balcony. He does get let out about once a week currently, but this is due to us living in a quiet neighbourhood with minimal threats. Unfortunately he has caused trouble in the neighbourhood by visiting the neighbouring cats and dogs, so he does need to be kept inside. We have a harness and leash for him which we will provide, however he would need to become more familiar with being on it. It is definitely a good alternative.
Ernie is on anxiety medication and is a very good boy taking his pill. I can provide the pill popper and show you how it's done. We do it in the evening. The tablet keeps him being his happy, gorgeous self. (He was getting stressed before).
Cats preferably need to go to a house without another pet. Currently they live with another cat and Ernie likes to torment her as he doesn't hear her warning noises. Angie is more tolerable.
They are litter trained, however they sometimes wee on the towel or newspaper that is under the litter tray, so we just change that often.
They love their Friskies and Optimum biscuits, as well as wet food with gravy. They love creamy treats and temptations too.
They are such a gorgeous pair of cats. I am really sad that they have to be rehomed.
Microchip numbers: