Milly is in excellent health and has all her vet records and vaccinations up to date.
She is on no medication, is regularly dewormed and has no fleas.
She has a long soft coat that she keeps beautifully groomed.
She is fully litter tray trained and is happy to be an inside cat.
She has a sprightly personality and loves company.
She would be best suited to a single person, a stay-at-home couple or a family with children over 10.
She has a hearty appetite and becomes quite vocal when she thinks she's going to be fed!
She is not used to other animals, although she has tolerated a second cat that I homed as a kitten 4 years ago.
I am heartbroken to have to rehome her as I need to travel abroad indefinitely and the tenants taking over my home are not suitable.
Microchip numbers:
To follow - seeing vet on 4/4/24