Salem is a beautiful black male cat in excellent health and has all his vet records and vaccinations up to date.
He is on no medication, is regularly dewormed and has no fleas.
He has a sleek shiny coat that he keeps beautifully groomed.
He is used to using a cat-flap as he has had access to my small back garden. He loves being outdoors but brings himself inside each night to curl up asleep in my lap or on my bed.
He is very affectionate and friendly and vocalises this when he has not seen you for a while.
He would be best suited to a single person, a stay-at-home couple or a family with children over 10.
He has a hearty appetite and is not a fussy eater.
He is used to living with another older cat but is just as happy on his own. He has not been around dogs since I brought him home as a rescue kitty 4 years ago.
I am heartbroken to have to rehome him as I need to travel abroad indefinitely and the tenants taking over my home are not suitable.
Microchip numbers:
To follow - seeing vet on 4/4/24